Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sometimes a Great Lotion

In doing the good work of self-healing, there comes a time when sometimes I need a little outside help.  I've made the discovery that some of my belief systems are more powerful (right now) then my healing systems.  For example:  The poison oak?  Worse than before. Here are my beliefs about poison oak.
  1. I'm allergic to it
  2. Sometimes I'm more allergic than other times
  3. When I get it, it localizes in places in my system that are weakened
  4. It spreads as it grows in the earth, under the surface; popping out in places that couldn't possibly been in contact with it.  Really.
  5. It spreads if I exercise.  Does that stop me from exercising?  No it does not.  I have a dog that needs walking and besides, I keep trying to defy my belief system.
  6. None of my home remedys will work, nor will the advice of the Christian Scientist in a previous blog, nor will my Abraham magic, no matter how long or hard I try to think myself healed. I'm a little ashamed of this admission.
So, there they are.  My beliefs.  Can't seem to shake them.  Really want this poison oak GONE.  (I know, I know, what you resist, persists. Go stick your head in some poison oak!   Nah, too cruel.  Just shut up, OK?)
Then I remember those four magic words "Go with the flow". So how do I make this easy on myself? How do I go with this flow?
I start by accepting myself and my beliefs instead of judging myself. 
Since, right now, I do feel these things and think these things, what is the path of least resistance.  I know!  I need to find myself a commercial cure! 
Already I feel better.  So I google "Cures for" and right away, without my having to type it, were the words "Cures for Poison Ivy".  It led me to a site that recommended RhuliGel.  Now THAT'S what I call a message from the Universe.
RhuliGel!  People that used it found that it works better than anything else, and there were a number of pretty encouraging anctedotes. It is now made by BandAid under the name of Anti-itch gel.  Sooooo, I'm off to get some Rhuli! Wish me luck with my poison oak now, and better luck with my self healing in the future.
I'm getting there.  A few itch-releaving detours on the way can't hurt. They might even help.  As Abraham says, the most important thing is that I (you, everyone) feel good.  I'm off to feel, if not good, at least better.  Sometimes the journey to truth is an incremental one.  I can live with that.