The flowers are beautiful in my neighborhood. Spring is truly here.
One thing I love about flowers is their unselfconsciousness. They don't care if you're there appreciating them or not. All they care about is doing their flower thing. They're blooming, dammit, and nothing can stop them from expressing themselves in all their flamboyant beauty. There's not an ounce of shame as they expose pistol and stamen to the world at large. Their colors and textures and profusion attract our attention, but that's not why they bloom. They bloom because they must. It's their nature. They gotta do it.
How about you? Are you giving the world what you were born to give? Are you blooming fully and freely as you do what you need to do to express your gorgeous self? Do you feel free, nay compelled, to share what you have to give? It's what you're born to do. It's your nature. You gotta do it. The world depends upon your blooming. Only you can give what you are born to give. Don't be shy.