Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Being rooted is a big part of The Martial Arts.  It’s a fine balance, really.  Rooted like a tree to the ground, the practitioner still moves fluidly and easily. It seems an impossible task, yet an Aikido Sensei who was a master of his art had this to say about being rooted. 

"Imagine having a tail going from the base of your spine to the center of the earth. Don't move until you feel your connection."

When you think about it, you can see that there is no place on earth that is not in relationship with the center. Therefore you have absolute freedom of movement.

You can see, then, that being rooted is not about being stuck. Being stuck means that you think that you have no options, no choices.  Being rooted means absolutely trusting your balanced response to any situation.  If you lose your balance and get angry, fearful, or crazy, or imagine that you have no options or choices, you’ve “lost” your root. Remembering that you always have a choice, that you always have options (even if they’re lousy ones) can help you regain your balance and reestablish your root. Realize, too, that you can never really lose your root.  You are always connected to the earth and to everything on and in it
Getting your balance back may be just a matter of remembering that fact.  And it's important to find, feel, and restore your “root” even if you're not a martial artists.  Being rooted brings with it a sense of balance, strength, and personal power. Therefore when you feel rooted, you can’t help but contribute something of real value to yourself and the world at large: a peaceful heart.

Don't move until you feel your connection.