Waking up in the morning can be unpleasant in the Winter. The weather and gloom are strong incentives to pulling up the covers and going back to sleep.
Spring makes it a little easier. The sun peeks around the curtains and birds sing. If you have a thoughtful partner like I do, coffee will be brewing in the kitchen and soon the paper will arrive without my having to move a muscle. It makes me smile.
On those Winter mornings, or when life is not going my way, my smile has to take the place of the sun and the birds singing. I grin and bear it, and as I fake it I start to make it. My grin starts to generate feelings in my body that seem like genuine happiness. More smiling makes me feel more genuinely happy. Smiling is so powerful. It can actually change your mood.
My son visited Oregon State, and was amazed how friendly the people were. "They actually Smile at you when you see them on the street", He marveled. "It's so different from the curt nods they give you in California. And this is supposed to be the Sunshine State!"
You may only have your smile to share with others, but it's a rich gift!
A friend sent me a TED talk all about smiling. Check it out. You'll discover that your smile is your everyday beauty. Don't be afraid to share it. Smile. Right now. You'll feel better. You'll feel beautiful, and those around you will benifit too. Every day.