Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Pointless. Hurray!

What is the purpose of life?  Big question, no easy answer.  Maybe it's a pointless question to ask.  We are alive, and to get the most out of our life we can treat it like our (usually) imperfect bodies: we can dress it up the best we can so we feel good in it.  Kind of a What Not to Wear solution to living.

Maybe life doesn't have a point, or if it has a point, maybe in the grand scheme of things it may be pointless to try and understand life's point. If that's the case, why worry.  Stressing over our lack of understanding seems pointless too.  So what do we do with our pointless life?

We live it.  What choice do we have?  I guess if having a pointless life gets you down you can opt out.  Or you can look at it differently and see that life's very pointlessness is actually pretty freeing. You don't really have to do or be or have anything. What's the point?  You can, instead, do or be or have everything that's in your power to do, be, or have, no holds barred.  And YOU get to choose what you want to focus on.  You get to create your own reason for living, define your own true north, make your life be about whatever gives you joy.

Get to YOUR point.  After all, you are HERE. You might as well enjoy it.