Yesterday was a day of highs, and today came some lows. My elderly mom and husband are nearing the end of their financial tether, and the person who was doing such a good job of taking care of them has to take care of herself. Their house maintenance, bills, yard work, doctor's appointments, and any and all emergencies are no longer being handled by this wonderful, skilled and resourceful woman.
The kids on both sides of this marriage are either not located anywhere near the parents or are in precarious financial positions themselves. It seems like the parent's future care is an unsolvable problem, with corrals made of "no, that won't work" surrounding every wild and desperate idea.
Fortunately, this episode of Everyday Beauty speaks to the beauty of support.
The husband of one of my friends is an expert in elder care. After talking to him on the phone I discovered I was breathing with a little more ease and my thinking was a little less obstructed by the gloomy clouds of fear. He outlined some steps to take, and made some clear and concise suggestions that opened up a path to follow through the formerly impenetrable forest of my uncertainty.
Hurray for the support and knowledge of generous friends in need! Remember when you're doing whatever you do, giving your own particular expertise to someone in need, that you are someones shining light.
You may think you're only a small star, but you're a star just the same. Shine on.