Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What A Day

This was the kind of day that I imagine my ancestors floating through.  Dawn to dusk work work work.  Not just dawn to dusk.  I'm still working and it's dark out and, after this blog, I'll have more to do.  I'm taking a break from it all when I'm writing to you.  I know I sound like I'm complaining (narcissistic too--I count three of the dreaded letter "I".  Oops, there are two more.  

Well, sometimes I have to express myself in no uncertain terms.  Though, as I write that phrase "no uncertain terms" I wonder just how certain my terms are.  No work, I worry about lack.  Too much work, I worry about overwhelm.  And it all changes from day to day, the circle keeps going round and round.  

When I think about that, I feel better.  Phew.  Tomorrow won't be like today.  No day will be like today.  That's great and that's too bad.  It was a busy day, but oh so satisfying!  I got to be creative and make a home beautiful today.  Can't beat that.

Sometimes, you just have to celebrate yourself. IIIIIIIII am happy! IIIIIIIII am busy!  IIIIIIIII am grateful.  

Go celebrate your lovely selves too.    UUUUUUU are awesome!